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LotusGrill Rezepte: Kräuterbutter selbstgemacht zum Grillen
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Homemade herb butter



  • various herbs 
    (e.g. thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, chives) 
  • the tip of a fresh chili or chili flakes 
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 250g soft butter 
  • 1/3 tsp paprika powder sweet 
  • 1/3 tsp paprika powder spicy
  • 1/3 tsp curry powder
  • lemon zest of one organic lemon
  • salt & pepper 

Fresh, homemade herb butter. Simply perfect with a steak from the LotusGrill. 

First, wash the herbs, remove the stem and chop finely. Then cut the chives into fine rolls and put all the herbs in a bowl. Next, finely chop a pinch of the fresh chili and add to the rest of the herbs. Now remove the skin from the garlic and finely chop it with a knife. Then sprinkle with rough sea salt and, with the help of the salt, crush the garlic with the knife.

Now add the soft butter to the herb mixture and season everything additionally with the remaining spices and lemon zest. Mix all the ingredients well, put them in a piping bag and pipe small roses. Alternatively, you can put the herb butter in a small bowl or roll it in plastic wrap. Now just refrigerate and wait for the butter to harden again. It can also be easily frozen and will last several weeks to months.

In the meantime, you can start preparing salads and fire up the LotusGrill. The perfect companion for the homemade herb butter is, for example, a great steak or a baguette, which can be filled with the herb butter.
Serve everything together on a plate & enjoy! Have fun while grilling on!

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